Wednesday, May 4, 2011



Why thoughts disturb the mind. What is the difference between a positive thought and a negative thought. Is it possible to control a confusing and disturbing thought. How can a person remove a bad thought from the mind.


Tought generally moves like a cloud in the sky.If you carefully watch your mind very intutively for a moment, you can very easily witness how a thought enters into your mind. If you are a little bit alert you can very easily catch the disturbing thought that moves slowly into your mind. If a good thought comes it is a positive thought, if a bad thought comes it is a negative thought. Some thoughts come and stay in the mind for a short time, sometimes the thoughts stay longer. When a bad thought stays longer, it disturbs the mind.

Thoughts of sadness, worry, fear and anger contain negative ingredients that dulls the mind to inaction, that makes you hopeless and helpless. Negative thoughts always confuse the mind and make you more restless. Positive thoughts like faith and hope stimulate the mind and make you more energised, positive and confident. When you generate positive energy your thought carry more of bliss in it, When you generate negative energy the thought carry more of poison in it. When the negative energy is more you feel more tired, fatigued, and exhausted.

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